After a bit of a
late start in Dodd’s last Wednesday the 15th of August, the songs
started coming thick and fast. Conor was away on holidays so Gerry kept some
notes for the blog.
The songs were
performed by each participant going around the room but for simplicity (and
allowing for my poor memory) I will just report the songs played by each
musician in no particular order.
Helen Grehan
started off the proceedings by playing
one of my favourite songs, “Storm at Sea”. She also performed “A love song”, “Jimmy”,
“Table of Life” and “David”.
Malachy Costello
sang and accompanied himself on guitar, “Life’s a funny thing”, “Song for a
friend” and the wonderful “Magpie”.
Gerry Casey sang
and played guitar on “In my Dreams” and “Heading South”.
Klaus Harder accompanied himself on bouzouki
and sang “Letting go”. He also
played a lovely instrumental on the bouzouki called “Horo Romanita”.
Marco sang an
almost trance inducing song which I think he called “Here it comes again”. I
remember something of the imagery of the lyric, of the wind playing in the
leaves. He also sang “The only one”, “On her silver jubilee” and the hilarious “Menace
in the waiting room”, which brought the house down..!!
I hope I managed to
get the names of all the songs correct; it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening -
here’s looking forward to the next one!
Gerry Casey.